ProClinix Sports Physical Therapy Chiropractic Wellness, PLLC is devoted to professional integrative therapy for neuromusculoskeletal conditions. If you live in Armonk, Chappaqua, Pleasantville, or any of the other surrounding communities in Westchester County, you no longer have to suffer from back pain, neck pain, or any pains related to sports injuries. The friendly and compassionate staff at ProClinix makes it a priority to provide outstanding patient care. By utilizing an integrative approach to properly diagnose and evaluate musculoskeletal conditions, our chiropractic and physical therapy clinic can develop the most effective treatment and rehabilitation plans.
Exit 3 off 684, head east on Rt. 22 to second set of stoplights and make a right onto 433. ProClinix is the first driveway on the right (5 N Greenwich Rd) - we are the second building from the street.